Sunday, March 19, 2006



Cada manhã
recebemos no telégrafo o pão que nos impõem
o que em agonia mastigamos vigiando
a dolorosa digestão: passará
nas tripas?

Leveda negro este pão da morte
a que não escaparemos
sem destruir esse forno de sombras
onde coze
a incurável ferida que rasgará as entranhas da terra.

Que outra coisa comer se é este o pão
que nos fere a garganta a cada fome
onde quer que estejamos?

O tempo morde-nos os ossos. A tenaz
aperta-nos a voz sob os detritos.
Que casulo protege da farinha
assassina? Saiamos para a luz. Façamos
de toda a pedra bala
antes que o relâmpago irrompa e a música
seja o leve tombar da poeira radioactiva.



VR said...

A propósito de Hannah Arendt em "On revolution":

The decisively more direct democratic councils and associations and structures of governance that seem to emerge inevitably “out of the organizational impulses of the people themselves” in the revolutionary situation for Hannah Arendt, are “never thought of... as germs for a new form of government,” for the “professional revolutionaries” of the avant-garde but are “regarded... as mere instruments to be dispensed with once the revolution came to an end.” It is for this reason that her story of an episodic re-emergence of “the council system” in moments of revolutionary upheaval and its apparently inevitable supersession in the aftermath of revolution by the re-imposition of less democratic modes of governance is for Arendt finally such “a strange and sad story,” and constitutes what she calls “The Lost Treasure [of]... [t]he Revolutionary Tradition.”

José Alberto Vasco said...

Ainda a propósito, de T.S. Eliot,em "Ash-Wedneday":

O my people, what have I done unto thee.
Where shall the word be found, where will the word
Resound? Not there, there is not enough silence
Not on the sea or on the islands, not
On the mainland, in the desert or the rain land,
For those who walk in darkness
Both in the day time and in the night time
The right time and the right place are not here
No place of grace for those who avoid the face
No time to rejoice for those who walk among noise
and deny the voice